Welcome to the Rights Clinic at Robson Hall!

We hope you’re as excited as we are for the University of Manitoba – Faculty of Law’s first rights-based legal clinic. The establishment of this clinic follows the movement to change the narrative surrounding rights recognition and advocacy. Looking beyond personal beliefs and/or political affinities, we all share fundamental rights that our clinic will help you protect.

The Rights Clinic at Robson Hall will be a resource to improve access to justice for Manitobans. The three main components of the clinic are as follows:

1) non-litigation advocacy, raising public awareness about vital rights issues;

2) rights-related academic research, in the form of a mini “think tank”; and

3) informational presentations and seminars so that members of the public can be better informed about their rights and the rights of others.

We look forward to partnering with organizations throughout Manitoba to raise awareness about rights issues and to join forces to assist with social-change movements.

Our Writing About Rights blog will continually be updated with information focusing on emerging and persistent rights issues. This will ensure that the members of our community are aware of their rights and are properly equipped with the knowledge to stand up for themselves. We aim to promote social activism in order to foster a space that encourages and empowers advocates.

We’d like to offer a special thank you to the University of Manitoba – Faculty of Faculty of Law Clinical Program Summer Student and Advisor, Raven Richards, for her support and consultation on fostering inclusivity and promoting Indigenous rights.

We appreciate the warm welcome into the community and look forward to assisting individuals, communities, and organizations that may benefit from our services.

The views expressed in these blogs do not necessarily reflect the views of the Faculty of Law at the University of Manitoba and should not be construed as legal advice or endorsement.



